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The Sebokeng Educational Institute of Sports Development (SEISD) is focused on enhancing certain skills on individuals who are directly associated with the institute. These skills will have variance due to different sporting codes that are offered within, in football, we offer professional training techniques certified by the South African Football Association.

The objective in coaching our participants in sports is simply to enhance their current ability and give them the opportunity to compete at a higher level.


The academic part of our institute is simply focused on tutoring our participants so as to have them ready for their final year exams.

Academics and sports have drifted apart in recent years due to complexities caused by individuals who only focus on one side. SEISD is trying to mend the relationship between the two and give young and older people an opportunity to explore both worlds.


Our brand is all about diversity and differentiation. We are a developing organization and the community is fully behind us. We are looking into developing our community in different sporting codes and academics to allow growth and talent realization. We strive to archive our mission in the following manner:


Kids aged under 9 years


  • Early childhood development programs will be followed and used to develop and teach the kids.


  • They will partake in different sporting activities, as this will enable the coaches to identify their raw talents individually.


Kids aged between 10-12


  • Primary school curriculum will be used to educate the kids.

  • After school, classes will take place and more repetitive work will be taught to the group so they can grasp well.


  • The introduction of mini games in sports will be implemented in this age group. Typical examples are: Grassroots football, athletics, mini rugby, mini cricket, netball etc.

  • Small-sided games to be played and competition at a lower scale will take place.


Teenagers between 13-16


  • The high school curriculum will be used to educate the participants.

  • The life skills program will be introduced to the participants.

  • After school classes will take place and written assessments will be conducted during the School terms and holidays.


  • Introducing the philosophy of the Institute will commence at this age group.

  • A more advanced training approach will be offered to participants and coaches will closely monitor progress.

  • The level of competition will be higher than the previous age group, as this group is the benchmark to the senior team.


Young adults from 17 years upwards


  • High scholars will be expected to participate in extra classes in order for them to successfully complete their high schooling.

  • The Life skills program will be more detailed at this stage, tackling issues such as, peer pressure, drug and substance abuse, crime, sex, HIV & Aids, etc.

  • University visits and expo centers will help our participants in getting enough information regarding different fields of studies at a higher education institute.


  • The institution will ensure that the participant understands the philosophy at this level and the way we should play.

  • High intensive training will be effective starting with this age group. This is the stage where the institute will compete at a higher level in different sports.

  • The identification of individuals who can be of use to our institute will take place at this level.


 The institution consists of two different groups, which will accommodate all participants, the education group and the sports group. The following is the breakdown structure of the two groups.


Education group


The following is our work breakdown structure, it will explain how we plan to achieve our mission and vision through academics.


The purpose of this structure is to organize all the scope of work that must be done to achieve the vision and mission of our organization. The scope of work is divided in three phases, and these phases serve different purposes in a child's development.


The Three phases will work in conjunction to one another, for example, if we have a 6 year old coming through to the organization, he/she starts at phase 1, where the educators will take him/her through early childhood development programs, like learning how to write, how to speak, how to sing etc. We will also ensure the fun of living, since they are minors and need ample time to have fun. They will be closely mentored and many fun games will be played, but these fun games will be based on developing them and getting them ready for primary schooling. After phase 1, the participant will now have the knowledge needed to progress to the following phase which is phase 2.


Phase two deals with primary school curriculum and high school curriculum where participants will be mentored to attain knowledge in the subjects they are doing at their current schools.


The last phase, which is phase three, deals with young adults, our educators and volunteers, will mentor the participants in various ways, like helping them with their day-to-day schoolwork. Also giving them extra classes, making sure our participants have enough information in different fields at the higher institutions. Attending career expos and having varsity visits is the focus in achieving our objective.


As this is a crucial phase for our participants growth and maturity, we will ensure that they are well informed when it comes to social issues such as peer pressure, drug and substance abuse, crime, sex, HIV and AIDS, etc.


Sport group


The sports group has been structured the same way as the education group, the only difference will be the scope of work to be covered. We are currently doing football with four divisions and netball with a single division. The main objective is to get most of the sporting codes in house. We are focusing on bringing in more volunteers to help the organization achieve its vision and mission by training our participants in different sporting codes.


This group will be focusing on the development of participants in various sports. Our success has come in a form of football and it has shown that if we can get passionate people to join our organization, we can succeed in all fronts. The following brief explains how we plan to achieve our goal in developing our participants through sports.


The structure discussed above explains how to achieve the expected outcomes in this category of sports. Currently we have two volunteer coaches who are overseeing the development of the participants in everyday training sessions and matches on the weekends. We are looking forward to bringing in extra coaches as volunteers to the organization so we have flexibility in delegating responsibility, this will help us satisfy the growing demand of our services to the community.


Starting with the under 9 teams (GRASSROOTS PROGRAM), the participants in this category works in small groups and the aim is to make them aware how fun sport is. It’s all about having fun in this age group and the more fun they have, the easier for them to grasp the skills we train. Our coaches monitors the young group closely focusing on every participant. They  focus on getting the participants to play in small sides, as this is only the entry phase in sport and each discipline will have its complexities.


The under 15 group will be monitored closely also but this is where we will deal with skill and the basics of a specific field, like in cricket, we will focus on the batting and bowling skill. The main objective in training this group will be to improve their mentality towards the game and give them confidence in playing a particular sport.

Since we are only working with football currently, we emphasize the basic skills of passing and receiving the ball coupled with having the ball on their feet. This will increase their confidence and give them hope to develop love for the game.


The under 17 group will be introduced to both the mental and physical attributes of each game, this category is very crucial in determining the participants core functions or abilities within a team. It is a benchmark to the senior team and all participants will be monitored and promoted with merit. The philosophy training and confidence boosting will play a huge role in training and developing our participants as this will dictate their performances in and off the pitch.


The under 19 group is more like a senior team that needs experience. The coaches will work on physical and mental attributes more. Intense training routines will take place to hone their skills and make sure they are well prepared for future challenges. The organization will compete in every game they play in this age group. The management is having high expectations in terms of development and competitions from the participants and we would expect the coaches to produce the best results possible.


Senior team participants must act as leaders to the lower division participants, since they will be at a peak of their sporting careers. Junior teams will obviously look up to their seniors and this will push our participants to have a good relationship amongst each other. The institution’s reputation will be reflected on the senior team and this means that our coaches have to do a good job in making sure that our institution is represented with good performances and self-handling on and off the field. The senior players will be able to give back to the community by getting involved in the institution’s projects and activities to empower the community.


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+27 64 431 5856

SEISD community center Zone 6 ext. 1 Sebokeng,

Gauteng, South Africa

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